Dispute Resolution

Customer Complaints Policy & Procedure

BigginScott is committed to the highest standards of integrity, fairness and ethical conduct, including full compliance with all relevant legal requirements, and requires that all its staff meet those same standards of integrity, fairness and ethical behaviour, including compliance with any legal requirement.

Even with the best of intentions, we know things can go wrong. So, if for any reason customers are not entirely satisfied with any aspect of our real estate service, they can let us know as soon as possible. We'll investigate the situation and where necessary, set about putting things right as quickly as possible. We may also take steps to avoid similar problems happening in the future. Their views are important to us and your feedback is the key to improving the real estate services we offer.


How to make a complaint

BigginScott aims to make it easy for customers to bring any problems or complaints to our attention.

They should first be encouraged to raise the issue with the agent, representative or property manager who is handling their business.

If they are not satisfied with the outcome, they can make a complaint to us by:




10 Illowa St
Malvern East VIC 3145

Customers are encouraged to provide as much detail as possible about the complaint, including:

  • Name
  • Contact number
  • Nature of complaint
  • Details of all persons involved
  • What actions were taken to date to resolve the issue
  • The outcome they would like


How we will handle complaints received

Our complaints officer will oversee the complaints process. This person is responsible for working with the customer and relevant agency employees, to ensure that the issues raised are fully examined and that the complaint is handled in accordance with this process.

We will send an acknowledgment of receipt of the complaint within two (2) business days.

We will treat the process, and all the details of the complaint, in strict confidence. If we need to discuss any issues arising from the complaint with someone outside of the agency, we will obtain the customer's consent first.

 Fair treatment for all is paramount. The complaint will be handled fairly and in good faith. Any person complained about has the right to know the details of any allegation against them. All parties will have the opportunity to provide their version of events and no final decision will be made or action taken until all relevant information has been assessed.


How long will it take?

You should investigate whether you will be required to pay a growth areas infrastructure contribution.

 We will try to resolve your complaint as soon as possible. However, how long this takes will depend on the nature and complexity of the issues raised.


What action will we take in response to your complaint?

If we decide that the complaint is justified, we will then decide what action we should take in response. We will always try to match our response to the nature of the complaint and the desired outcome, but this may not always be possible. Some of the things we might do include:

  • Take steps to rectify the problem or issue you raised
  • Give the customer additional information or advice so they can understand what happened or how we have dealt with it
  • Take steps to change our policies or procedures if the complaint identifies a problem in the way we are doing things.

What if the customer is still unhappy?

Sometimes it will not be possible to resolve a complaint to everyone’s satisfaction, and customers might want to escalate the matter to the Director.

If they are still not satisfied with the outcome they can contact Consumer Affairs Victoria. Consumer Affairs Victoria can deal with enquiries and complaints about real estate agents and offers information, advice and dispute resolution services on real estate issues.




The Management Committee will:

Review the progress of complaints submitted to BigginScott and ensure that they are handled in a timely and appropriate manner.

Take the appropriate steps to change internal policies and procedures as part of our overall continuous improvement program where problems have been identified.

Take the appropriate steps to identify employee training opportunities, where relevant, following a complaint.



Handling Officer

All complaints that come into BigginScott are to the referred as per the below protocols:

All sales-related complaints: referred to the Director of the office

All property management-related complaints: referred to the Director of the office

All administration-related complaints: referred to the Director of the office

Complaints Register

All complaints will be recorded in the BigginScott complaints register and reviewed in the Management Meetings to ensure:

  • All complaints are actioned promptly
  • All relevant parties are informed of the outcome
  • Identify opportunities for continuous improvement and training