Getting Ready To Sell

Create The Perfect Impression

Selling a property is a highly competitive business and your house will be compared with similar properties in your suburb. To maximise the sale price it is important to present your property at its best.

Remember, prospective purchasers are not looking for a house to buy, but a home in which to live. Small details such as fresh flowers, freshly brewed coffee and soft music create an atmosphere of warmth and homeliness. You are selling a lifestyle and competing with other sellers, so try to create a lasting impression.

Winter presentation

Ensure your property is warm and cosy and any open fireplaces are alight.

Summer presentation

Ensure the property is cool and inviting. Consider providing cold drinks if it is a very hot day.

Wet days

Ensure there are doormats or towels at both the front and rear entrances.

We can help

We have qualified tradespeople, handymen, home stylists and furniture hire specialists available to provide advice and recommendations on the best way to present your property.

Golden Rules

1. First impressions

Ensure the front of your property creates a good first impression. Consider the following:

  • A trimmed and colourful garden
  • Tidy neighbours’ gardens (if possible)
  • A spacious and cheerful entrance hall
  • Cleared roof gutters
  • No rubbish bins in view
  • Fresh and green window views
  • Washing or painting front outside walls
  • Cleaning the street of rubbish

2. Brighten up

Bright ideas to consider:

  • Install 100 watt light bulbs
  • Place lamps in corners if required
  • Open all curtains and blinds
  • Polish stainless steel surfaces and appliances
  • Clean floors and tiles

3. Remove clutter

Maximise space by removing all unnecessary clutter. This is the key to maximising the sale price.

Helpful Hints

Further tips for your consideration:

  • Tidy and weed garden beds
  • Position pot plants at the entrance of the house
  • Clean/repair windows, walls, screens and doors
  • Repair cracked or peeling exteriors
  • Steam-clean carpets in common areas
  • Air-out all rooms
  • Take pets to a friends’ house
  • Place clean towels in bathrooms
  • Make beds
  • Tidy kitchen
  • Remove all rubbish
  • Tidy garage
  • Clean barbecue
  • Ensure fences are straight

Completing all these tasks might not be possible. Our team and/or representatives can recommend and help prioritise the most essential items.

Apartments and units

Things to consider when preparing you apartment or unit for sale:

  • Clean the hallway, stairwell or lift leading to your apartment;
  • Clean common areas around the building;
  • Remove junk mail in common areas prior to each open for inspection.


Imagine yourself as a potential buyer wandering through your own house what would you see? Most buyers come to inspect your home with a vision and a dream in their mind of what the property will look like and how it will allow them to create their desired lifestyle. To make the right impression, it is often the little things that can make an enormous difference.

You can be sure we’ll advise you about getting ready to sell with qualified tradespeople, professional contacts with lawyers/ conveyancers, body corporate permission and various ways you can enhance your property. It’s all part of the extra service we offer to help you get more money for your property.

Prospective purchasers are not just looking for a house to buy, but a home in which to live. Small details such as fresh flowers on the coffee table, soft music in the background, freshly brewed coffee or a cosy open fire will create an atmosphere of warmth and homeliness which could make it compare favourably with a similar house down the street.

Remember, you’re selling a lifestyle, so the more attention to detail you provide, the more exciting your home will become, and purchasers will want to stay for longer or come back for a second look. As part of our service, we’ll be happy to introduce you to a wide network of trusted and experienced tradespeople and suppliers who can assist you to prepare your property.

Before & After

From our experience we know that a property that is well presented will sell faster and achieve a higher price. Buyers pay a premium for a property well presented and cared for.