Selling Strategy

A Clear Path To Success

To make a sale, you only need one buyer. However, to achieve the best possible sale price, you need multiple parties interested. When we suggest a particular marketing strategy, you can be confident that it will work.

We know how to get more buyers viewing your property. Open for inspections, private appointments and a range of innovative ideas make an impact and get your property noticed. Our stylish award winning property E-mag and our extensive mix of media and internet sites are also extremely successful.

Auction, private sale or tender? Each method has its advantages. Your agent will advise which method is best suited for the market and your property.


Our award-winning E-mag is a stylish and sophisticated publication that reaches thousands of potential property buyers each week. Your property will be displayed in full colour, on a full page and distributed every week to a wide range of cafes and restaurants throughout Melbourne and regional Victoria.

Web presence

We will list your property on all our major internet sites.

This attracts an enormous amount of traffic and interest each week, throughout Victoria and around Australia.

A strong network

A key success factor when selling any property is getting the message out there, that your property is on the market. We have an extensive networking system that includes weekly meetings at all offices. Our buyers are also notified of your property through our intranet system.

Full impact

When we devise your marketing strategy, we strive for maximum exposure in the marketplace. This is achieved using an intelligent mix of media and communication materials. These includes:

  • All major real estate internet sites
  • Local newspapers and specialty publications
  • E-Mag our weekly property guide
  • Eye-catching sign boards and pointer boards
  • Office window display posters
  • Database Communications to buyers and investors
  • Just listed’ letter drop
  • Pre-auction’ letter drop
  • Auction day strategies

With all advertisements and copywriting, we liaise with you for input and approval.

Born to sell

Our leading, renowned and accredited auctioneers are highly regarded within the industry. BigginScott auctioneers have years of and real estate experience. Energetic and honed negotiators, they are renowned for maximising sale prices for clients.

Prior to auction day, our auctioneer and staff will meet with you to discuss strategies and procedures for your auction. Gathering a vibrant crowd of qualified buyers that have enthusiasm and energy on the day is paramount to success.

Private sale
We determine an asking price for your property (usually a ceiling or maximum price) and purchasers make offers or purchase your property at the full asking price.

Prospective purchasers are invited to submit a signed contract at their best price on or before a particular date. The highest tender is only accepted if you are satisfied with the price, terms and conditions. Negotiations may sometimes continue after tenders close.

Price on application
No price indication is given in any advertising material. Discussions may take place with potential purchasers before details are provided or inspections arranged.